Hello! I have changed my PROMPT
variable for bash and zsh in the following:
PROMPT="%K{$COLOR_1} %n@%M%F{$COLOR_1}%K{$COLOR_2}$TRIANGLE%F{$COLOR_1} %~%F{$COLOR_2}%K{$COLOR_3}$TRIANGLE%f%k " #%K{#1BA58A}%F{black}$TRIANGLE
and I’m using the Noto Sans Mono fonts, but this happens on other fonts as well.
How can I get rid of the white lines before the triangle? should I use a specific font?
I could do it in a few seconds with GIMP.
Have you tried with the Nerd Fonts?
Noto Nerd will contain Noto Sans/Serif/Mono etc. Notably it’s hard to ctrl+f on that page since most of them don’t have text names, so just scroll to ‘N’.
They happen because the font is not patched property, your best bet is getting the nerd fonts and trying those, popular fonts will generally look nicer.
I installed FiraCode Nerd Fonts, FiraMono Nerd Fonts and Hack Nerd Fonts from here, and only FiraMono was able to not display that vertical line. I suspect the line is caused by the “Smooth fonts” setting in the profile settings > appearance, because unsetting it hides the line in other fonts (but the fonts looks terrible). thanks for the help!
Its been a while since I had a setup with the prompt like that but I think you may need a patched font for it.
replying to @yote_zip@pawb.social because the direct reply failed:
I ctrl+F “Noto” and as it returned 0 results I just assumed they weren’t there… thank you!! however, these fonts, as many other, still have this line issue. only FiraMono fonts didn’t:
Very strange. I wonder if it’s not a font glyph issue but a font-width issue or something. Beyond getting Nerd Fonts I’m not sure what else to try, sorry!
I tried installing xfce4-terminal, and there it is displayed well with any font, so I guess it’s a Konsole problem… I’ll try to ask in the KDE community, thanks for your help!